Team ThinkShare
We're here to help in any way we can
Herman “Flash” Gordon
Inventor of ThinkShare / President
Flash is dedicated to empowering people to develop their problem solving skills. At ThinkShare, he is a jack of all trades, managing the business, guiding sales, and even overseeing development. Flash is also Associate Professor of Cellular & Molecular Medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine where he uses ThinkShare to teach the Art of Scientific Discovery as well as Clinical Reasoning.

Koda Trotter
Backend Developer / Support Wizard
Koda Trotter is the Database and API Engineer on the ThinkShare Team, watching like a hawk to make certain that nothing goes down.

Timmy Garrabrant
UX Developer / UI Designer
Timmy is the Frontend Developer at ThinkShare. He is obsessed with clean, simple, intuitive design. He believes there is nothing more inspiring than watching a toddler pick up an iPad for the first time and immediately understand how to use it.

Jasmine Gordon
Graphic Designer
Jasmine is an up and coming artist in the graphics world. She’s working on a graphic novel.